Compliant Access Management: provisions user accounts and access roles subject to integrated risk analysis and workflows to facilitate an accelerated approval process

Compliant User Provisioning

Execute the risk analysis before provisioning any user changes in SAP to avoid introducing new risks.

  • Ensure timely and authorized creation of user-ID’s and assigned access rights.
  • Prevent SoD conflicts being introduced with creation/ change of user access rights.
  • For create, change, delete user master records, assign roles, unlock and lock user id’s and password reset.
  • Facilitates mass user changes.
Notifications Templates

Configuration of notifications to Requesters and Approvers.

  • For every activity, process step.
  • Use of custom notification templates along with company logo etc.

Interactive drill-down dashboard to visualize statistics of access requests across connected SAP systems.

  • View & analyse open requests pending for approval.
  • View historical information on approved/ rejected requests in dash boards.

Configurable workflow for compliant access management requests.

  • to define who approves the request of assigned roles.
  • to ensure execution of the risk analysis before provisioning any user changes in SAP to avoid introducing new risks.
Password Reset / Unlock

Password reset and unlock self-service for SAP user accounts.

  • Eliminate helpdesk dependency to unlock, reset SAP User IDs.
  • Supports unlock, password reset self-service by logging with Active directory credentials.
  • Integration of Microsoft Azure AD to MARC CAM is possible for PSS requests.