MARC Installation : Linux

Installation process of MARC installation on Linux system.

First install Ubuntu linux version (free) to a virtual machine or physical machineĀ  and then execute installer provided to deploy MARC.

Download UbunutU linux at and request for MARC installation at [email protected]


MARC installation process is easy and simple and completes in minutes of time.

Below are minimum pre-requisites to install MARC application. Hardware configurations can be be vary from client to client depending on number of users analyzed, frequency , concurrent users and numbers of system are being connected.

  • Linux or Windows operating system 32 or 64 bit
  • Minimum 4 GB RAM
  • 4 Core processor desktop or server version (intel i5, i7 or xeon)
MARC is only application that can be used over cloud and on-premises.
Why are you waiting then, request your copy or write your questions to [email protected]